Saturday 14 November 2015

From Me to You

     Last night was one of the worst sleeps that I can recall in ages. But mid way through the night, through my tossing and turning-- and apparent moaning-- I managed to unwrap the first 4 lines of this poem from my restless mind, have the sense to write them down, then fall uncomfortably back to sleep.
When I woke hours later, while on the tube headed to a nine hour teaching day, I decided to add some conscious additions.

I like this poem. I think it feels honest.


So let's sleep on our sides
Skin kissed to skin
Where you stop
I will to begin.

Come to me
I'm far too sleepy

To find you between sheet and pillow
The dusk, our blanket
The moon as our sun.

And we'll sleep on our sides
My warm to yours
By the shape of your curves
My body will pour.

Find me here
It's far too early

To say goodbye, as sun would to sky
The mountain, its curtain
The moon draws it shut.

Please, sleep on your side
Let yours look to mine
And see us as one
Or eyes should they blind.

Closed may they be
May they never see

They'll find you near
And you'll come to me.

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